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Unit 17. How long have you...?

by 86401 2023. 12. 5.




Unit 17. How long have you...?


Rachel is on vacation in Brazil.

She is there now.


She arrived in Brazil on Monday.

Today is Thursday.


How long has she been in Brazil?

She has been in Brazil since Monday.

She has been in Brazil for three days.


Simple present Present perfect
Dan and Kate are married. They have been married for five years.
(not They are married for five years.)
Are you married? How long have you been married?
I know Lisa. I've known her for a long time.
Vera lives in Brasilia. How long has she lived in Brazil?
She has lived there all her life.
Present continuous Present perfect continuous
I'm studying German. How long have you been studying German?
(not How long are you studying German?)
I've been studyiing German for two years.
It's raining. It's been(=It has been) raining all day.


'영어GIU' 카테고리의 다른 글

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