§강의명 : 103강. 느낌동사 used to/get used to
§학습내용 :
느낌동사 used to/ get used to
형태는 비슷하지만 의미가 전혀 다르다.
-I used to drive every day. 나는 매일 운전하곤 했었다(지금은 하지 않는다).
-I got(am) used to driving every day. 나는 매일 운전하는 것에 익숙해졌다.
used to: ~하곤 했었어.(지금은 아니다)
I used to ★like him.
I used to snore.
I used to have hair.
I used to think that way.
She used to be ugly.
It used to be here. 여기에 있곤 했는데.
-의문문: Did I ★use to ~
Did I use to like him?
Did she use to be ugly?
-부정문: I didn't used to ~
I didn't use to like him.
She didn't use to be ugly.
(get used to : 익숙하다.)
got used to : 익숙해졌어. 편해졌어.
I got used to it. 나 그것에 익숙해졌어.
I got used to ★driving this car. 운전하는 것에(to) 익숙해졌어.
I got used to talking to him. 그에게 이야기하는 것에 익숙해졌어.
I got used to working out.
I got used to repeating after Y.
☆be used to = got used to
I am used to it. = I got used to it.
She is used to it. = She got used to it.
You are used to it. = You got used to it.
-긍정문일때는 got used to를 많이 쓴다.
-의문, 부정문일때는 be used to를 많이 쓴다.(문장 만들기가 더 간편함)
I am not used to it.
Are you used to it?
I am not used to working out.
Are you used to working out?
§오늘 이것만은 꼭 기억하겠어 :
I used to like him.
I didn't use to like him.
Did you use to like him?
I got(am) used to working out every day.
I am not used to working out every day.
Are you used to working out every day?
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